Weihnachtslieder » O how joyfully

O how joyfully, o how blessedly,
comes the glory of Christmastime!
To a world so lost in sin, Christ the Savior, enters in:
Praise Him, Praise Him Christians, evermore!

O how joyfully, o how blessedly,
comes the glory of Christmastime!
Jesus, born in lowly stall, with His grace redeems us all:
Praise Him, Praise Him Christians, evermore!

O how joyfully, o how blessedly,
comes the glory of Christmastime!
Hosts of angels from on high, sing, rejoicing, in the sky:
Praise Him, Praise Him Christians, evermore!

Sizilianische Volksweise "O Sanctissima"

Zur deutschen Fassung: "O du fröhliche"




Die beliebtesten


Alle Jahre wieder


Engel auf den Feldern singen


Freu dich Erd und Sternenzelt


Fröhliche Weihnacht


Frosty the Snowman


Ihr Kinderlein, kommet


Jingle bells, jingle bells


Joy to the world


Kling, Glöckchen, klingelingeling!


Lasst uns froh und 
munter sein


Morgen kommt der Weihnachtsmann


O du fröhliche, o du selige


O how joyfully


O Tannenbaum


Santa Claus is coming
to town


Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht


Süßer die Glocken nie klingen


We wish you a merry Christmas

... weitere Lied-Texte








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